Wednesday 21 January 2015

The big question - to work or not to work?

Over the last few months I have been deliberating whether I should go out to work. I want to work but I am torn between the extra money it will bring in and my son whom I love spending time with during the day. The other factor I have to consider is whether we will actually be financially better off. I am sure many mothers have faced the same question. With child care costs and the costs of petrol I am not sure that it is actually viable. In the Midlands I had my own ironing business which suited me fine as it fit around the kids and brought in a bit of extra cash. I don't know whether this is something I would really want to continue here. I have also considered an evening job perhaps a couple of nights a week so that Sam is home and I don't need to pay out for child care. But by the time the kids are in bed I am ready to park my bum down and do some crocheting! The time Sam and I have alone together is also precious. My plan is to ring up the national careers helpline and see what help there is for mothers that want to work. Perhaps there is some training or studying that I can do so that when William does start pre school (in a years time) I will be more employable? 

The thought of leaving William is a horrid one. I love our trips out and playing with him. Days like Monday when we went to lyme Regis for a walk......

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Thought I would post some of the things that I have recently made....

I made this heart for a friend from the pattern found on the beautiful attic24 blog

This is a sleeveless cardigan that I made for my daughter. My mum came over from New Zealand and made one for my other daughter. I need to make another one or my eldest is going to feel very left out! I love the wool and how it creates this gorgeous unique rainbow pattern. 

This is a massive blanket that I made for my mother in law. She chose the colours to match her decor. 

If you fancy seeing some more of my creations then check out the crafty ladies facebook page



I feel as though I should probably introduce myself a little. I am a 27 year old mother of four. I am currently fortunate enough to be a stay at home mum with my son while his three older sisters are at school. My husband works at a university teaching medical students. At the end of August my husband (Sam), my children, our teddy bear dog and I made the move from the Midlands down south to the beautiful Devonshire county. I was extremely nervous that I would feel isolated living in a small village with very few iminities on my doorstep. I have been pleasantly surprised and have managed to get to toddler groups and shops with the use of the car or train.

This has been a fantastic move for the dog! She enjoys visiting the beach and the gorgeous countryside that is on offer in the surrounding area. We have all benefited from being able to do more outdoor walks. It is such a brilliant way to wear out the kids and dog! We normally take a flask of tea out with us and a picnic to keep costs to a minimum. 

I had the most horrible experience last week when driving back from dropping the kids off at school. A young deer ran out in front of the car. It was heartbreaking and a real shake up experience. The narrow country lanes don't allow for swerving out of the way of animals that decide to run out in front of moving vehicles. So the poor little fawn died while I stood in shock on the phone to my Sam shocked and crying as I had no idea what to do. Apparently this isn't a rare occurrence. I won't be travelling down that particular road for as long as I can avoid it! The car was slightly damaged but looking back it could have been a whole lot worse had it been an adult deer. 

As you can see from my blog name I am also a keen crocheter. My friend and I have a facebook page where we sell items that we make. I love making up individual custom made items. I am hoping that when the spring arrives I will be able to take trips to the beach and do some crocheting while my 2 year old son plays in the sand. That's the plan anyway!