Friday 13 February 2015

Keeping busy

I have been keeping pretty busy this week with kids being ill and trying to come up with some new things to make. I have made some flower hair clips and I am now working on some brooches and key rings. Here are a couple of the clips I have made. 

I am pretty pleased with the results. I decided to use both cotton and smooth yarn as these gave much greater definition to the petals. 

My plan is to make something of the valentines variety this morning before heading out with the kids on the train to exeter. Yes it is half term already! How did that come around so quickly??? Now to think of some things to fill the week. My eldest daughter is desperate to learn how to crochet but I am not sure I have the patience to teach her. If anyone has any tips on how to teach a seven year old then please comment below. 

I made my daughters some clips to go with their school uniform

In terms of work I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the right time. I need to enjoy the last couple of years that I have at home with William. In a year and a half this season of my life will be over; no more toddler groups, no more pushchairs, no more nappies, no more play dates. It is sad to think that the thing I have being doing for over seven years will come to an end. So I need to embrace each day with my little boy as he wont be little for very long. 

Please check out our facebook page 

Teresa xxxxxx